Click the link below to access the YouTube channel for Tuckaleechee UMC. On this channel we will upload videos that are a part of the church life, including live-streamed worship. You can also watch videos from previous weeks of worship. Be sure to like, subscribe,...
Click the link below to access the history of Tuckaleechee United Methodist Church until 2021. It was written by Ruby Hall, Frances Adams, and Pastor Richard Rudesill. Booklet-2021-130th-HomecomingDownload
Bring your children and have them join Tuckaleechee UMC for WILD KIDZ. Wild stands for “Walking in Love Daily.” Do your kids love Vacation Bible School? Join us every other week for Wild Kidz where the fun never ends and children learn how to walk in love...
The Tuckaleechee United Methodist Church Fall Festival will be held on October 17 and will feature crafts, homemade snack foods, lunch, dinner, music, and fun! All proceeds support a wide variety of mission projects. Click the picture below for more information!...
Tuckaleechee United Methodist Church is committed to keeping its children and youth safe. Read about our policy by clicking the link below: safe-sanctuary-policy