Happy Friday Holston Friends!

Tomorrow, June 27, 2020 at 1:00 pm is our first ever Virtual Annual Conference. We have set up a Zoom Webinar for our Lay Members to Annual Conference and Clergy to attend. However, we will also be Live Streaming this event on the Holston.org homepage. We would like to invite each of you to join us. We will begin broadcasting at 12:50 pm with video and announcement slides. At 1:00 pm, the Virtual Annual Conference will kick off with a time of worship, and then we will move into a time of reports.

This year, we will be providing a very moving Memorial Service, which can be viewed on ac.holston.org. This video will be available following our Virtual Annual Conference. Bishop Kenneth Carder brings a powerful message of hope and faithfulness during this time of hardship and mourning for so many of our friends and family. 

In addition to the Virtual Memorial Service, our Mission Presentation on the opioid epidemic will also be available on ac.holston.org at the end of the Virtual Annual Conference. Rev. Dr. Barry Steiner Ball will explain how this epidemic is affecting our world and how the church can respond.

While we are saddened we can’t join physically for Annual Conference, we are thankful for the tools allowing us to proceed.

If you have any questions concerning the Virtual Annual Conference, Memorial Service, or Mission Presentation, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Tim Jones

Director of Communications

Holston Conference

The United Methodist Church

Click the link below to join the Virtual Holston Annual Conference on June 27 from 1-3 PM:
